Here comes the full form: Follicular Extraction Unit. But if you are wondering what does the process really employs, you are not really far from FUT which requires shaving the head to collect the follicular units from the donor area, often one at a time, rather than removing a piece of scalp to dissect the graft. The process is comparatively lesser invasive. One of the first mentions of FUE occurred in Japan, somewhere around 1988 and was successfully performed in Australia in 1989 by Dr Ray Woods. The technique is celebrated for being minimally invasive and for the fact that it could use body hair to transplant in scalp. The aspect that commonly dissuades patients from embracing the procedure is its complexity and fewer skilled professional to perform it successfully. However, our expert panel of doctors conducting FUE hair transplant in Ahmedabad assures you of its result. The Procedure The process involves harvesting non-transected follicular units but the survival chances are comp...